Cauliflower Can Grow in Pots

Have you been thinking of growing your own cauliflower but just not getting around to it?  Well, stop thinking about it and just do it.  It is easy to grow either in your garden, or…

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Ready To Eat Some Flowers?

One of the most natural and most appealing ways to brighten up and beautify a dish is the simple addition of an edible flower! There are many varieties which are edible, and add a subtle…

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Color Blasting With Flowers

Want to wake up certain areas around your home?  Try giving those areas a blast of color with flowers. A quick way could be with flowers planted in containers which you could go out and…

Some Unusual Flowers

Flowers bring joy. They are wonderful at weddings, for birthdays, as a gift for the hostess and also at funerals. We use them to decorate a corner as a beautiful flowering plant, or in a…

Get Some Colorful Blooms Now

Its winter and the brilliant, beautiful colors of summer and fall are few, in-between and missing altogether in some places.  However, this does not have to be the case with your garden and patio. You…